Thursday, February 18, 2010

When Will They Learn?

It’s amazing; the elitist left-wing media continuously jabs the American People!

The recent emergence of the “Tea Party” movement, a grass-roots faction of the American People that unite around fiscal conservatism and the conviction that the government, regardless of political affiliation, has overstepped its powers, arranged earlier by the constitution, has many a left wing elitist anxious. This anxiety has led many prominent individuals from various media outlets, in their arrogance, to come out and attack the dignity, integrity and intelligence of the American people, labeling us with several choice invective terms austerily because we fail to agree with the established progressive/liberal governmental policies. Is there any wonder why the New York Times readership has fallen to catastrophic levels and MSNBC's ratings are declining dramatically on almost a daily basis!
The following video documentary, samples exactly what these exclusive snobs think of us.

As history has taught us so many times, when all else fails, vilify them, if that fails as well, eradicate them. It is apparent at least to this blogger, that the pompous left wing propagandists who openly pretend to be loving of diversity of thought, are only concerned with 1st amendment rights when it suits their tainted ideology. The evidence indicates beyond contestation that these rights, guaranteed to all under the constitution, are being sabotaged by these misinformed malcontents who deem them not pertinent to the “Insalubrious” minds of those who dissent with the status quo.

It’s interesting that just before the mid XX century, a form of socialistic government appeared in Europe, that oddly enough began in a similar fashion. It ended with the murder of over six millions of its citizens, many because of their race, many others, because of variance with their government!

Now, in no way am I making a comparison between the present government and Germany’s National Socialist Party of the mid XX century, also known a the "NAZI" party. I am simply comparing the current socialistic liberal Medias' intolerance, for a populace American movement, that has placed its government on notice by reminding them of who they work for, and exactly, what is expected of this elected leadership!

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